It's been awhile.
This is not a new phenomenon. Writer has intentions, maybe even a good story - and then life gets busy.
Earlier this month, I started a new job working part time at a local nonprofit. Which is excellent. I'm very glad to have it. Knowing I was starting new work, I mentally cut myself some slack. Going back to work meant an adjustment in my schedule and a change in demands on my energy level. The book and blog could wait. My nonprofit work schedule is Tuesdays/Thursdays, with some wiggle room in there to shift things around if I need to.
I began work on October 3rd, a Tuesday. I then worked October 6th, a Thursday. On Friday, October 7th, my mother was admitted to the hospital for symptoms of a possible stroke. I took a sudden trip up to Southern New Hampshire (I live in Massachussetts) for the night. Thankfully, my mom is doing well. She was released from the hospital the very next day. At no point did she lose any motor skills. She was diagnosed as having suffered a TIA, which is similar to a stroke, but not as severe.
The next week I started teaching my continuing education classes again. That Saturday, for the first time ever, I worked (for pay) as a private coach for an actress I've had in two of my classes. If you're keeping track, that's three different jobs starting within two weeks of each other. Still not busy enough? I also didn't mention that I started my nonprofit job a matter of weeks before the organization's biggest fundraiser of the year. That was Thursday.
Life gets busy.
I don't know how to view these times when I don't work on my story. I don't know all my reader's beliefs or philosophies, but for my part, I believe God has a plan for my life, and that He directs me as to which way to go. I believe strongly that He has called me to write (notice I didn't say publish - though I hope that happens, too) this story.
So I wonder: Are all these "dry times" in my work a failing on my part? Should I be working at a quicker pace? Or are these delays part of the planned timeline? Either way, I know none of this surprises God. And I know that He is merciful. And I know that sometimes, a plan for your life can take a long time to unfold. When I look back at how long this journey has been going on (since 2006), a break of this size is kind of small in comparison. When I was planning my wedding and working full time, I stopped work on the book for about a year or so. And then I picked it up again.
So maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but God willing, I will pick up the manuscript again and keep going. And I hope to keep you all informed of my progress along the way :)
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