Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Something That's Been On My Mind

It's time to talk about the fear.

It's amazing, really.  I wouldn't have thought that I would actually end up with this clean sounding, ready for some movie speech type of complex.  But I think it's happened.  It's fear.  Fear of rejection of my work has kept me from working as hard as I could.  Because think about it - and here's the clean cut part - if I don't finish it, I can't send it off and get it rejected.  And lets face it, if you've spent any time taking in the stories of those who have broken in to the writing world, you hear about the rejections.  It gets to the point where it feels like you HAVE to be rejected to be normal.  And I realize the reality may be that the majority of writers go through at least some rejection before they get a yes, but does that mean we, the unsubmitted writers, should go into our first submission pretty much accepting failure?  Not exactly great motivation to keep you editing.

But, for better or worse, I must keep going.  I don't know what types of belief systems are represented by everyone who may read this, but I truly believe I have a calling to write this book.  Notice I said write, not get published.  I realize that rejection may just be a pathway to something else.  And if you take away the power the threat of rejection holds, shouldn't that mean the fear goes away?

117/204. Take that, fear of failure.

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