Still working.
The progress is happening, paragraph by paragraph, page by page. I will say having this blog is helping. I'm aware of the fact that I should probably keep posting regularly to help keep any readership up, but I don't feel right doing so without being able to come to you with an updated page count. Not always easy to do, though, as life gets in the way. Which brings us to today's topic: procrastination.
It's amazing how easy it is. How one can spend hours doing other tasks all in avoidance of something that may only take 10 or 20 minutes. "Yeah, I need to work on the book....but that stuff really needs to get picked up over there. And I need to vacuum over there...." and so on. What is it about my manuscript that makes putting away laundry look so appealing?
There are probably many reasons. One of which is facing the "bad" writing. It's one thing to be in the drafting/writing phase, where so much time is spent on creating new material. It's a time where the writer can put his or her story out there like a painter laying out big, broad brush strokes. And if its bad, so what? I can fix it later.
Well, my friends, welcome to later. It's drudgery sometimes. Having to mentally roll up the your sleeves and face the fact that those sentences need to be reworked or just plain rewritten. And, lets face it, it's hard to spend your time on this, hoping it will lead to work and not knowing if it will. But I press on, and, God willing, I will finish. And the laundry will just have to wait.
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